The long spined black sea urchin, Diadema antillarum. |
It’s finally time to get around to the reason I am here in
Honduras; the research. The research I will be doing is the biggest part of the
research project I have to do in 4th year in UCD in order to get my
degree in Zoology. My working title is “The effects of extreme temperature on
predator avoidance response of Diadema
antillarum: possible roles for reef material and complexity”. It is a
mouthful I know! The aim is to test if and how the response to a simulated
predator changes in the sea urchins of the species Diadema antillarum. I will get back to how we actually are doing
this in a minute, but first let me just explain why these urchins are so
important. D. antillarum is a key
grazer on Caribbean coral reefs as it removes algae from rocks and rubble to
make space for coral larvae to settle on. Coral can be pretty picky on where it
settles so paving the way for them is one of the most important functions of D. antillarum. This grazing activity
also stops the macroalgae from growing too large and causing the suffocation of
already growing corals. I like to think of these sea urchins as the Cows of the
Caribbean! Sure, there are other species of both urchins and fish that graze on
algae, but by far the most biomass of algae is removed by D. antillarum. That is, when they’re there... In the early 1980’s
the D. antillarum populations across
the Caribbean underwent a mass mortality event, where some populations were
reduced up to 99%. It is widely believed that a species specific, waterborne
pathogen was the culprit that sent its evil spawn around the Caribbean on ocean
currents and ballast water of ships to make sure the overall mortality of the
long spined sea urchin reached ca. 98%. There were some potential suspects, but
the true identity of the pathogen was never confirmed. And presently, the
populations of D. antillarum are
struggling to get back to pre-mass mortality numbers. There are many proposed
reasons to why the populations are not bouncing back as expected, including
hypotheses suggesting the populations crashed to such low numbers that the way
these urchins reproduce is no longer effective. We are focusing on another
view, whereby the spawning is successful, but for some reason or another, the
juveniles have high mortality rates.
A view from above with a few individuals of D. antillarum |
So back to the project then! We began our project by wanting
to do a little pilot study to determine whether or not we should acclimatise
our urchins in the new higher temperatures for 6h before trials, or keep them
in ambient temperature until doing the testing. We are fortunate that we have
the new lab I mentioned in my last post, but I was a little hasty in saying
that it was truly functional... We got the seawater hose working and in our excitement
we went and collected 10 sea urchins for our pilot study with the aim of
acclimatising 5 in elevated temperature and keeping 5 in the ambient water
temperature. We filled out the tanks and put in heaters and filters in advance
so that the tanks would be ready by the time we brought in the urchins. Me and
Max were jumping around like excited little girls, high fiving as we put the
urchins in their tanks and went off to have lunch, satisfied with our set up.
Fast forward a couple of hours and it all started to go downhill... The urchins
we set up in the heated tank had gone from creepy crawlies wiggling their
spines to lethargic limpets barely reacting to touch. We thought this had to be
the heat, so we moved them to a tank of ambient water and were happy to see
them perk up a little. However, despite changing the urchins to non-heated
tanks their activity seemed to be going down by the hour. We had no way of
bringing them back to the reef that late at night, meaning they would just have
to wait until the first boat going out in the morning. Unfortunately, when we
got to the lab the next day, we were greeted with a smell of death... All 10 of
our urchins had kicked the bucket, as well as one of the lionfish that was in
one of the other tanks for another project. Even the urchins that were never
heated were dead! Even though we were devastated, these urchins thankfully did
not die in vain; there is a girl coming to do genetics studies on these urchins
and now she doesn’t have to battle her conscience in order to kill them – we accidentally
did it for her.
Natural reef material with low complexity. |
The fact that we lost so many urchins in the first place
puzzled Max most of all as he has never in previous years had a fatality. The urchins
are pretty hardy critters, so the only explanation we came to was that there
had to be something in the water. Therefore we set out to do another test, this
time to see if the water was to blame. We got one urchin for water from the
reef (brought with a jerry canister), one for water carried from the beach, and
one unfortunate individual for water from the hose. We monitored the urchins
pretty much on an hourly basis, and sure enough after a few hours the urchin in
the hose water, which at this point was already called Antal’s toxic water, was
deteriorating. To try and avoid any more fatalities we decided the urchin was
not doing well enough
Natural reef material with high complexity: LEGO. |
and moved it to a tank with “good water”, hoping it would
make the night to be brought back to the reef in the morning. This time they
made it. All three were brought back to the reef and we had another answer: we
could use the water from the beach which was good news, in a way. It just means
that we will be really fit by the end of this project as each canister is about
25 litres, and we need a minimum of 17 canisters per day... that means hauling approximately
425 kg of water each day we do trials, which will probably be 6 days a
week.......... Just the thought of it makes me tired! At this point we needed
to test again for the acclimatisation. We did it with just 3 urchins per
temperature this time, and with water collected from the shore. We stopped the
acclimatisation half way through as the heated urchins started to deteriorate
and decided acclimatising them to the medium and extreme temperatures would not
be feasible as they would most likely die as a result. While the Banco Capiro
reef system where these urchins were from hosts one of the highest post-mass
mortality population densities in deep water, we couldn’t afford killing any
more of them!
On a happier note - moving away from the mass mortality
event of 2016 - we have now finally got up and running with the actual trials!
On top of testing the effects of water temperature on the predator avoidance
response (PAR) of the urchins, we have some reef material in the tanks, both
artificial in the form of breeze blocks, and natural rubble from the reef
itself. We are also trying to determine if the complexity of the reef system
has anything to do with the extent of PAR in the urchins, so we will have trials
with low complexity and high complexity for both reef materials. This means
that for high complexity we will provide the urchins with a hiding hole; easily
achieved with a breeze block, more like playing with Lego’s for the natural
Trial in progress with high complexity artificial reef. |
material. We also managed to combine my design with the one from Andrew,
another dissertation student coming in tomorrow. He is testing for differences in
PAR between having no complexity (so no reef material in the tanks) and having
any kind of complexity, in the different temperatures. This added another 3 “treatments”
to the design - that is combinations of the different factors we are testing
for - giving us a total of 15 different combinations to test! Fun times ahead
hehe.. We measure the PAR as a percentage of long spines “wiggled” in response
to a simulated predator presence. Our “predator” is a big flat scary board that
casts a shadow on the whole tank when placed on top. These sea urchins have
very primitive sensory systems, but have evolved to be something that can only
be described as one big spiny eyeball. While their “eyesight” is nothing like
ours, their entire body is able to detect changes in light intensity, and as
bottom dwellers, anything casting a shadow is a potential predator. Wiggling
their long spines (some up to 30cm long with toxins!) is a way of shoo’ing away
anything that might want to take a bite! These wiggles are initiated by the
shadow, as each spine is moved by muscles which contract when the light
intensity decreases. So far we have done 9 trials, and I am to set up the lab and have it ready for some more for Wednesday evening. Max has gone off to welcome new volunteers in the city of San Pedro Sula and will be back late Wednesday evening. However, the plan is to continue the trials, with or without Max here, so Andrew, you’re in for some hard science on arrival!!
Me and Manny |
Helen and Max |
But it is not all just hard work! We managed to sneak out for a kayak around the mangrove lagoon behind our house. After double-, triple- and quadruple checking there were no croc's in this particular lagoon (at least no one's ever seen one...) I really enjoyed the physical effort of kayaking. Seeing the crabs scurrying up the mangrove roots was weird and the smell of the anoxic water was atrocious, but the experience was a new one. Again.
The lagoon behind our house... |
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